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Training Managers Zone

Accessing your company’s “Training provider account manager” profile will allow you to:
• Apply to have a training course or trainer recognized
• Consult the recognized training activities associated with the profile
• Log attendance lists
• Access reports analyzing the learning needs of certified employees

Having a training activity or trainer recognized

Find out more about:

  • The steps involved in having a training activity or trainer recognized

  • The recognized categories and areas

  • The undertakings involved

  •  The recognition criteria for trainers and content experts

  • Managing the quality of recognized training courses

  • Applicable fees

  • And more!

Training the trainers

Learn what it takes for a trainer or content expert to be recognized by the ChAD and the industry organizations that offer train-the-trainer activities.

Accessing my training provider account manager profile

Here are the questions most frequently asked by training providers to the professional development department. Click on a question to be directed to the answer. 

1. How do I set up an ÉduChAD account on the ChAD Portal?

To set up a training provider account manager profile for your company, write to us at and provide the following information:

  •  Your first and last name and email address
  • The name, address and telephone number of the company providing training

You will then be able to access your ÉduChAD account by logging into the ChAD Portal.

2. How do I access my training provider account manager profile?

To access your organization’s training provider account manager profile, you must have an account on the ChAD Portal—the gateway to the ÉduChAD platform. If you do not have an account on the ChAD Portal, see the answer to the previous question (Question 1).

Once you are logged into the ChAD Portal, you may:

  • Apply for recognition or renewal
  • Add a trainer or content expert

You can also click on “ÉduChAD” to log attendance and award PDUs to participants.


3. Can I share my ChAD Portal access with a colleague or employee?

No. Under no circumstances should you share your ChAD Portal login information with a third party. This is a basic cybersecurity rule to avoid any theft of personal information, in particular. Also, if a third party connects to your personal file, they could make changes or purchases you have not consented to. The best way is for everyone in your organization to have their own account. Then, in order to access the employer, training manager or training provider account, members of your organization will need to log into the ChAD Portal and click on “ÉduChAD” in the left-hand menu.

Here are two training courses to remind you of good cybersecurity practices:

4. How do I go about getting a training activity recognized?

Follow the five steps to apply for recognition of a training activity.

For full details on each of these steps, visit the page Recognition of a training activity or trainer.

5. How long does it take to process applications for recognition?

All applications to have a training course or trainer recognized are processed within no more than 30 days. If your application has not been processed within this time frame, please contact us at

6. Does my training activity need to be rounded off to the nearest hour or can I use fractions of an hour?

The ChAD recognizes fractions of an hour and training courses of less than one hour. This recognition is based on 15-minute segments, corresponding to a quarter of a PDU. For example, a 30-minute training session that meets the recognition criteria will count as 0.5 PDUs.

7. How can I change my company’s training provider account managers in ÉduChAD

If you need to change the training provider account managers in ÉduChAD, here is how to do it: go to and click on “Your businesses”. You will see a list of your company’s training provider account managers. To add or remove training provider account managers as needed, contact us at

8. What do I need to know about logging attendance lists?

Attendance lists must be logged into ÉduChAD no later than 30 days after the training session.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on the most efficient way to log attendance lists on ÉduChAD.

9. What is my responsibility regarding participants’ attendance in online training courses

Training providers and trainers are responsible for taking the necessary steps to confirm participants’ attendance when giving online training courses. In other words, they must verify several times during the training session that each participant is paying close attention. This can be done, for example, by making eye contact with participants, by regularly asking them verbal or written questions, or by asking them to take part in a live survey.

10. Are the courses given by training providers evaluated?

Yes. As the organization that oversees the training of certified professionals, the ChAD ensures that the training offered is always of high quality, relevant and adapted to the needs of professionals in developing their skills through its recognized training quality management program. The objective is to measure the level of satisfaction of certified members as to the quality of all ChAD-recognized training courses that award PDUs. To help you fine-tune the training offered to certified professionals, we invite you to consult the training needs analysis and subscribe to the training bulletin.

11. I forgot my ChAD Portal password. What do I do?

If you can’t remember your password, view the tutorial on the Forgot your password page.

12. I would like to have a training course given on Zoom to employees of my organization recognized. Which channel should I indicate in my application?

For live training on a videoconferencing platform such as Zoom, Teams or Google Meet, you must indicate “By videoconference (live)” in the application for recognition you make on the ChAD Portal. You must select “Webinar” as the activity type when filling out an application for recognition of a training activity.

If the training is pre-recorded and viewed offline by your employees or other learners, you must indicate “Asynchronous (offline)” as the channel used when making your application for recognition on the ChAD Portal. You must select “online training” as the activity type when filling out an application for recognition of a training activity. You will also need to submit an exam with your application.

13. My organization has changed its training provider account-manager. What are the manager’s responsibilities and the impacts of this change?

You are the training provider account-manager for your organization, but you will be retiring or changing employers. Will someone be replacing you in this position? Here is how to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities for the account:

1.    Contact us at as soon as possible to let us know about this change. The Professional Development Department needs to know the name of the person now authorized to manage the training provider account in order to create an account for him/her and make the required changes in the system, if necessary.

2.    You are also responsible for telling us whether this person should be designated as the organization’s contact-person with respect to ChAD-recognized training. Appointing a new contact-person is an important change that will impact your organization’s operations. This contact-person receives automatic messages, most notably notifications regarding training recognition renewals.

3.    Do not forget to train the new manager to closely monitor deadlines for training recognition. For example, notices of renewal are emailed twice: once at 60 days and again at 30 days before the renewal deadline. If the account manager does not renew the recognition before it expires, he/she will have to submit a new application for recognition and pay the related fees.

In order to be fair to all providers registered with the ChAD, please note that we will be unable to systematically reactivate the function to renew recognition of the training if we have not received the name of the new training-provider account manager prior to the deadline for renewal.