Social media and internet
Regardless of the type of communication used—including social media—compliance, regulations, and ethics always apply. Failing to abide by the rules can adversely affect a damage insurance professional’s job, and his or her professional and ethical liability. In other words: on social media, it is important to always act professionally and in accordance with your code of ethics.
Social media includes networking and sharing platforms (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube), blogs, wikis, and various other electronic means of communication (e.g.: a chatroom, videoconferencing, etc.).
The ChAD provides you with tools and resources to help you use social media.
Tip sheet on using social media in your professional practice
The Tip Sheet on Using Social Media in Your Professional Practice is designed for damage insurance agents and brokers, as well as claims adjusters, who wish to use social media to:
- Network
- Find out about potential clients
- Keep up to date with important events in their clients’ lives (birth, marriage, retirement, move, etc.) that could have an impact on their insurance needs
- Verify their clients’ habits and/or lifestyles in order to develop client profiles
- Provide information or assistance when a loss occurs
- Contact clients (at renewal time, when a loss occurs, etc.)
- Promote their firm’s business
The tip sheet’s 10 tips provide professionals with essential information on how to safely and properly use different types of social media in a prudent and compliant manner. Remember: even if you use social media for personal purposes only, it can have an impact on your professional practice.
Tips for developing a policy on social media
Whether they are present on social media or not, all firms should have a policy for using it. It helps draw the sometimes-thin line between professional and personal life in order to protect both employees’ and organizational interests.
Why develop a social media policy?
- As a reminder that laws and ethics apply in social media just as rigorously
- To educate employees on the realities of social media
- To enlighten employees on the firm’s position and expectations, as well as on the consequences of using the internet improperly
- To manage reputational risk
Getting started:
- Decide whether the firm has a social media presence
- Clearly identify a person or department to speak on behalf of the company
- Clearly identify a person or department to enforce the policy
- Share the policy with employees on an ongoing basis
The 10 Tips for Developing a Policy on Using Social Media tip sheet (in French only) includes:
- 2 essential social media principles for damage insurance
- 10 tips for developing a policy on using social media
- Pointers stemming from these tips
Communicating and Conducting Business Electronically: What Do I Need to Know?
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Tools and resources to help you
Tip Sheet: Using Social Media in Your Professional Practice
Rules for business cards and other representations
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