The ChAD has five committees
- Comité Audit et technologies de l’information
- Comité de gouvernance, d’éthique et de ressources humaines
- Comité de nomination
- Comité sur l’évolution de la pratique professionnelle
- Comité de discipline
In the context of their respective fields of expertise, these committees must, among other things:
- Communicate their recommendations to the Board of directors
- Support the ChAD’s permanent staff in upholding the orgnisation’s mission
Tenure of Office
The president and the vice-president of the Discipline Committee are appointed for a 5-year period and the members for a 3-year period. All terms can be renewed.
The members of the other committees are appointed for 2-year periods, and their term can be renewed only once, except if the Board of the ChAD decides otherwise.
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee of the ChAD is the disciplinary tribunal for damage insurance professionals.